Next Generation Mobile Platforms for HeAlth, in Mental Disorders


PCP (Pre-Commercial Procurement) called by the AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF TRENTO


The NYMPHA-MD project is a Pre-Commercial Procurement project called by the Autonomous Province of Trento (more info here).

NYMPHA-MD is looking for ICT solutions, based on mobile health technologies, for supporting health professionals and patients with the treatment and disease management of bipolar disorder.

The main goal is to provide solutions based on objective and subjective monitoring for quantitative assessment and early identification of symptoms of illness related to patients behaviour, lifestyle and mood variations.

The proposed solutions shall promote the interaction between patients, doctors and caregivers and facilitate patient empowerment.

With the support of ICT, the monitoring model and portable data acquisition will be able to get continuous objective measurements of the behavior of the patients, their clinical status.

The NYMPHA-MD system will provide viewable feedback, and so will increase the awareness of patients to facilitate their progressive self-management.